Airbus A320 – Knobs – 3D Models

I have made some knobs for the A320 Cockpit for those who are interested in 3D printing them.

You can download the models below.

Please, remember like and rate the models.

11 thoughts on “Airbus A320 – Knobs – 3D Models

  1. Jarle Krogsether says:

    Hi Martin,
    Great job!
    I’m working on my own A320 cockpit so your files will come in handy.
    Thank you!
    Best regards
    Jarle Krogsether

    • Martin says:

      Hi Jarle.
      Glad to hear that. Let me know if You need any help / assistant with the project.


  2. Andreas says:

    Hi Martin,

    thanks for really great work with Aisbus Knobs.
    I’am working on my own A320 cockpit and I am happy finding your webside.
    Do you have the parking brake lever as well?
    Thanks in advance for reply.

    Best regards,

  3. Filippo says:

    Hi Martin,
    do you have also other parts of the airbus cockpit? I need FDU, EFIS, DU…ecc…
    Thanks a lot.

    • Martin says:

      I have almost complete cockpit in CAD, but those files are not share-ready.
      I need to work on them before I share.

  4. Michal says:

    Hi Martin,

    thank you for sharing. I’m in the planning stage at the moment for building my own home cockpit for A320. So, started with collecting all possible information to avoid mistakes and shorten the time for the building.

    How far you are with building your own cockpit? Did you already finish the job? Would you be so kind and share your experience and more details on building not only shell and pannels but also electronics?

    Simply looking for best practices and bits of advice before I start my own work.

    Thank you very much


    • Martin says:

      Hello Michal.
      Actually I did not fully start on the project.
      I sold my CNC machine back in the days, and been stuck with new build for a past few years.
      I am not sure if I will evere start building.

  5. Cammy says:

    Hi Martin,
    Great designs I’m using them Right now very nice models.
    Do you also have the A3XX parking brake handle?
    Keep up the good work.

    Many thanks


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